23/C, (3rd floor), Zigatola, Dhaka-1209

Dialysis Center in Bangladesh With Lowest Cost

Dialysis Center in Bangladesh With Lowest Cost

Dialysis CENTER in Bangladesh

Best quality dialysis center in Bangladesh with low cost at Fortune Healthcare Limited, Dhaka. Contact us today at +880-1887045555 and get up to a 50% discount from dialysis treatment.

Dialysis is a procedure to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys stop working properly. It often involves diverting blood to a machine to be cleaned.

Normally, the kidneys filter the blood, removing harmful waste products and excess fluid and turning these into urine to be passed out of the body. If your kidneys are not working properly – for example, because you have advanced chronic kidney disease (kidney failure) – the kidneys may not be able to clean the blood properly.

Waste products and fluid can build up to dangerous levels in your body. Left untreated, this can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms and eventually be fatal. Dialysis filters out unwanted substances and fluids from the blood before this happens.

There are 2 main types of dialysis

1. Haemodialysis

Hemodialysis is the most common type of dialysis and the one most people are aware of. During the procedure, a tube is attached to a needle in your arm.  Blood passes along the tube and into an external machine that filters it, before it’s passed back into the arm along another tube.

At dialysis centers, this is usually carried out 3 days a week, with each session lasting around 4 hours. It can also be done at home. Some examples of a home dialysis schedule include:

  • 4 times a week for 4 hours
  • 5 times a week for 3 hours
  • 6 days a week for 8 hours overnight
2. Peritoneal dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis uses the inside lining of your abdomen (the peritoneum) as the filter, rather than a machine. Like the kidneys, the peritoneum contains thousands of tiny blood vessels, making it a useful filtering device. Before treatment starts, a cut (incision) is made near your belly button and a thin tube called a catheter is inserted through the incision and into the space inside your abdomen (the peritoneal cavity). This is left in place permanently.

Fluid is pumped into the peritoneal cavity through the catheter. As blood passes through the blood vessels lining the peritoneal cavity, waste products, and excess fluid are drawn out of the blood and into the dialysis fluid. The used fluid is drained into a bag a few hours later and replaced with fresh fluid. Changing the fluid usually takes about 30 to 40 minutes and normally needs to be repeated around 4 times a day. If you prefer, this can be done by a machine overnight while you sleep.

Life on dialysis

Many people on dialysis have a good quality of life. If you’re otherwise well, you should be able to:

  • continue working or studying
  • drive
  • exercise
  • go swimming
  • go on holiday

Most people can remain on dialysis for many years, although the treatment can only partially compensate for the loss of kidney function. Having kidneys that do not work properly can place a significant strain on the body. This means that people can die while on dialysis if they do not have a kidney transplant, particularly older people and those with other health problems.

Someone who starts dialysis in their late 20s can expect to live for up to 20 years or longer, but adults over 75 may only survive for 2 to 3 years. But survival rates of people on dialysis have improved over the past decade and are expected to continue improving in the future.

latest Fresenius 4008s dialysis MaCHINE

Dialysis 400
Dialysis 400
Fortune Healthcare has the modern technology that’s used in dialysis for patients’ best interest. We use the “Fresenius 4008s” to treat our  Hemodialysis patients. It is a German-built machine that treats safety and efficiency for all-important procedures within the scope of kidney transplant therapy. These include bicarbonate or acetate dialysis. For more information contact Fortune Healthcare, Dhaka at +880-1887045555.

Fortune Healthcare Ltd delivers these following services during Dialysis session

  • Firstly, full Automated Remote Bed Support
  • Full Air-conditioned Support
  • 24/7 availability of Doctors, Nurses & Technicians
  • Next Generation Fresenius 4008S Machine
  • One Time Fresenius (F6, F7, F8) Dialyzer
  • Emergency Oxygen Support
  • Trustable Water, Blood purification Pump Systems
  • We provide one-time use Dialysis Accessories Like (A-B part Dialysis Fluid, Blood Line, Fistula Needle, DNS saline, Saline set, Disposable Syringes, etc.)
  • Finally, Complimentary Food for Patients
  • Moreover, we have a Wi-fi Connection for you

Conclusion About dialysis

Severe forms of kidney disease which require dialysis are curable in some instances. Even if it is not curable, the patient can still lead a meaningful life while on dialysis. The kidney is the only vital organ that can be replaced long-term by a machine with reasonable success. In the future, with advancements in stem cells and bioartificial kidneys coming in the way, dialysis is likely to be even more efficient. So please consult with us for the best quality dialysis in Bangladesh and do not get bogged down by the mistaken beliefs of uninformed people! Dialysis is not the end of life! For Appointment, Consultation, and other information

Fortune Healthcare

Contact Number: 01552221222, +880-1887045555. 23/C (3rd floor), Zigatola, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209.